
Walasse Ting


Three Beauties

Lot 750 at the auction Modern Art in Hong Kong on October 6, 2019.

Walasse Ting, Three Beauties
BUY it for: $0.72
(High-Res Derivative Image)
($72,281*0.00001 = $0.72)
Estimate: 400,000-800,000 HKD
Sold for 562,500 HKD
Price Point Value $72,281 USD
Auctioned on Oct 6 2019

Description & Provenance
Walasse Ting
1929 - 2010
stamped with the artist's seal 
acrylic on paper
96.5 by 177.3 cm; 38 by 69 ¾ in.

Private Asian Collection

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